Brynna Connor MD
Too much caffeine could be bad for your heart
How much caffeine is too much, and what are the effects? New research shows that drinking too much caffeine per day could increase the likelihood that otherwise healthy individuals could develop heart disease.
What happens if you eat mold?
Dr. Connor helps you understand which types of mold are toxic, what happens if you eat mold, and whether it is OK to simply cut off the part of the food with mold. Read what she says in this article on
How to get rid of red, itchy heat rash
What causes heat rash? Do women experience it more than men? What are the home remedies that allow you to get rid of it quickly? Read the interview with Dr. Brynna Connor.
Is green tea really better than coffee?
Most people drink at least one cup of coffee each day, however many still consider green tea to be the superior morning beverage. But is that true? Dr. Brynna Connor gives you the facts.
Self-care practices for autoimmune disease
Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that can flare up unexpectedly and severely in any part of the body. Experts suggest lupus patients develop a regular self-care regimen to help manage lupus symptoms and optimize physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
How can women crack the code on bloating?
Bloating is a fairly common problem for women, but many find it difficult to crack the code and find genuine relief. Dr. Connor was interviewed in, where she talks about how to identify bloating, the symptoms that can trigger it, the role that food and...
About the 10 Healthiest Superfoods
Eggs are a rare and complete high-quality protein source. Next to fish and chicken, eggs are a great choice when seeking sources of protein. Read the article "10 Healthiest Superfoods to Add to Your Diet, Nutritionists say," in, where Dr. Connor is...
Stress response for men and women biologically is different
When it comes to responding to stress, men have sweaty palms, increased heart rate, and the impulse to more readily engage this “fight or flight” response. In women, however, the release of oxytocin is activated by the sympathetic nervous system—which is often termed the “tend and befriend” reaction.
Bloating – What Is It And What Does It Mean?
Do you ever feel like your stomach is too full or swollen? You may be bloated. Bloating is a common problem, even in people who are otherwise healthy. About 1 in 7 Americans experience bloating on a weekly basis. It’s not always easy to figure out what’s causing...
Understanding Male Infertility: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Male infertility can have multiple causes. Depending on the cause of your fertility issues, there are multiple available treatments that may help, including hormone therapy, medication, surgery, and assisted reproductive technology.