Is green tea really better than coffee?

Is green tea really better than coffee?

Is green tea really better than coffee?

While most people drink at least one cup of coffee every day, many believe that green tea is a better health and nutritional option than coffee.

Is it true? What about caffeine? Antioxidants? Anti-inflammatory properties? What is the impact on blood pressure, and which one can lower glucose and insulin levels?

Dr. Brynna Connor was interviewed in the Lifestyle section of in an article entitled, “Is green tea really better than coffee? Doctors and nutritionists weigh in.”

Self-care practices for autoimmune disease

Self-care practices for autoimmune disease

Self-care practices for autoimmune disease

Lupus is an autoimmune disorder that can flare up unexpectedly and severely in any part of the body. Experts suggest lupus patients develop a regular self-care regimen to help manage lupus symptoms and optimize physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.

In the Lifestyle section of, read the interview with Dr. Brynna Connor where she discusses nutritional strategies to help manage lupus symptoms.

How can women crack the code on bloating?

How can women crack the code on bloating?

How can you get rid of bloating and find digestive relief? 

Bloating is a fairly common problem for women, but many find it difficult to crack the code and find genuine relief. Dr. Connor was interviewed in, where she talks about how to identify bloating, the symptoms that can trigger it, the role that food and nutrition play, and much more.

Read the interview for the article, “How To Get Rid Of Bloating And Find Digestive Relief, According To An Expert.

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