Does the decision to wear a bra or not affect your breasts? This blog asks experts like Dr. Brynna Connor to get a better understanding of the effects of wearing vs forgoing a bra.
According to prosthesis specialist Elisa Lawson, wearing a bra may prevent sagging if you are a C cup or larger. On the other hand, French scientist Jean Denis Rouillon suggested in 2013 that bras may increase sagging. Headlines about this “15-year-long study” by Rouillon blew up in 2013, however, these articles all cite a radio interview with Rouillon, rather than the study itself, which was in preliminary stages (Reuters) and does not appear to have ever been published.
According to Dr. Brynna Connor, not wearing a bra may help increase muscle tone by “forc[ing] the muscles in your chest and back to work harder to support your breasts.” Further, going braless on occasion could be healthy for your skin. If a bra does not fit properly, it “can cause sweat to build up underneath the breast area, which can cause bacterial or fungal infections,” as well as chafing.
In short, it may be healthier for your skin if you do not wear a bra 24×7. But, there is no reason to avoid bras if you are comfortable wearing them, and no reason to wear one if you find them uncomfortable. If you choose to wear a bra, choose one that has a proper fit.